About Me

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If who we are is what we do, then like most people, I am a mixed bag of personas. Writer, bookworm, friend, are what first come to mind. Equally apt would be potty mouth, dog walker, Guinness drinker, swimmer, storyteller, political animal, baker and proud Canadian. Mostly though, I consider myself simply insanely lucky to have a small posse of near and dear ones who put up with me and my curvy, creative, curly haired, opinionated self. I started this blog several years ago with the idea to challenge myself in a myriad of ways. Years in, despite the sporadic entries, I still like to muse about the absurdity of life, what inspires surprises and angers me, books and other entertainments, my menagerie, my travels and any other notion buzzing round in my head.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

NaNo Update - Day 6

Daylight savings time here in Ontario means an extra hour of sleep. Or, if you have a one year old puppy at home, that you are now getting up at 5:30 am rather than 6:30 in the morning. Giving up on listening to her whining pleas for attention, breakfast and the back yard, I rolled out of bed around 5:40 (yes I give in way too quickly) and we were up and taking our morning stroll well before 6am today. It's dark and very quiet at that time of day. I absolutely love it. Crisp leaves crunching under our feet and a coolness in the air that is not winter yet, but certainly no longer warm. Bundled up nicely as we strolled, I reviewed the progress of my NaNoWriMo story so far and figured out where we'll go today.

I'm still a bit behind in my word count, but with another productive day today, I will be just fine. I know I have another busy week at work before I am get a full week to myself, so I am trying to make the most of the quiet time I have now.

My NaNo stats look like this at present:

Coffees drank: 19
Most wince worthy cliché written: go big or go home (sad I know)
Hours spent writing: 14.5
Deaths/Murders: none
Best line so far: Thanking his most favourite saint, Anand, the obscure and under appreciated patron of barkeeps, he noticed the abundantly stocked set up.
Chocolates consumed: 18
Most time squandery distraction: dust bunnies (I know what you are thinking. I must be really hard up for a distraction, if I start cleaning!)
Take out ordered: once*
Words written: 6,556
Characters introduced
: 9 of 13 (so far)
Favourite word written: collywobbles
Social / family functions attended: none
Motivation level (scale of one to ten): an optimistic 8

* studies have shown that there is a direct and not so surprising positive corelation between a person's level of creativity and their pizza eating frequency.

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