About Me

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If who we are is what we do, then like most people, I am a mixed bag of personas. Writer, bookworm, friend, are what first come to mind. Equally apt would be potty mouth, dog walker, Guinness drinker, swimmer, storyteller, political animal, baker and proud Canadian. Mostly though, I consider myself simply insanely lucky to have a small posse of near and dear ones who put up with me and my curvy, creative, curly haired, opinionated self. I started this blog several years ago with the idea to challenge myself in a myriad of ways. Years in, despite the sporadic entries, I still like to muse about the absurdity of life, what inspires surprises and angers me, books and other entertainments, my menagerie, my travels and any other notion buzzing round in my head.

Monday, August 1, 2011


“Literature has been the salvation of the damned, literature has inspired and guided lovers, routed despair and can perhaps in this case save the world.”

Nothing like setting the bar real high, eh? But I love this quote by John Cheever. It reminds me of the affect that art, and in particular books and stories, can have on us all.

I have no idea what is in store for my novel. I do know this. As I begin my sabbatical of a few months from work, I sure intend to find out.

I’ve got a story to tell. So I guess the best thing is to get started.

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