A lot has been going on these past three weeks, and then again, nothing at all. Mostly, it’s just been my usual life and only laziness has prevented a blog post before now. I'll never be one who beats myself up for what I should have done. So no lamenting and woe is meing over not having posted before now. But, to quickly get back on track, a catch up is certainly in order. I can summarize my weeks away from blogdom as being busied with:
Seeing the last of my Oscar nominated movies
Trying to decide on whether to cut my hair or grow it
Getting a pedicure
Walking Murphy in booger freezing, ice cream headachey cold weather
Marveling at the lengths I will go to avoid doing dishes
Doing dishes
Watching the Oscars – Yeah Slumdog and Sean Penn (wonderful acceptance speech Sean!)
Making deals with the little spider who has taken up residence in the window sill of my bathroom –
you climb up to the ceiling and I’ll try not to drown you when I showerBooking my holiday to Barcelona and Ireland – Yah baby!!!!
Having the phone hung up in my ear (NOT my fault)
Inhaling all manner of Spanish travel literature
Drinking Guinness
Planning secret parties
Fending off weirdness in the workplace
Cheering for the Leafs
Pounding my fists in frustration
Writing more
Seeking inspiration in the form of Annie Dillard
Did I mention the trip to Barcelona???
Knitting (30 or so inches now, Marc)
Saying good bye to a well respected colleague
Losing weight, gaining some back, but mostly losing
Getting notes in the mail
Giving up swearing for Lent (Effing bloody hard, I would add!)
Potlucking it
Drinking someone under the table –
Ah foolish mortals!Buying books – at last count over 10 anyway – yikes
Watching Weeds on Showcase – who knew drug dealers were so entertaining?
Welcoming a new addition to my family
Writing an outline for a piece I’m submitting to a summer writing program
Separating whites from darks
Buying Coldplay tickets
Baking cookies
Wowing ‘em
Sending silly text messages
Trying to be there for someone who really needed me to listen
…and of course
See. It’s no wonder I didn’t have time to post anything here (big grin).
Have two book reviews to write…
The Maytrees by Annie Dillard and
Memories of My Melancholy Whores by my favourite author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I’ll post these separately as both books deserve their own space, unsullied by my silliness. Am currently reading David Sedaris’ hilarious
Me Talk Pretty One Day.
As for the weightier portion of this year’s project, as of today I’ve lost 7.6 lbs. Hard won and I’m pleased with that. Zigzagging a bit, but nonetheless moving slowing down the scale is how best to describe my weight loss to date. March is a terrifically social month for me, rivaling Christmas in events and dinners. We may zig more than zag, but the most important thing for me always is to be happy with myself and enjoy my life fully.
So, there you go. Caught up completely. Thrilled to bits to be planning my trip. Fam and friends around to celebrate no less than 7 birthdays this month, plus St. Paddy’s Day. Work chugging happily along and wonderfully, spring is just around the corner. What could be better?!!